THS Healing Modalities


Reiki (In-person or Remote)

Pre & Post Chat

2 hours $120.00

Tong Ren Standard

Tong Ren (Remote)

Pre & Post Chat

1 1/2 hours $90.00

Tong Ren

The WHOLE Shebang

Tong Ren + Ultrawave + Full Body Scan

Pre & Post Chat - (Remote)

3 hours $150.00

Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics

Everything Is Energy (Chi)

Everything around us is made up of energy (Chi) at its core. There is a deep connection between all things, everything and everyone. At the fundamental level, we are all connected through energy. Our thoughts, feelings, light, sound, electricity, heat and matter.

Our emotions play a pivotal role and using energy/frequency/vibrational healing this connects the subconscious and conscious, engaging the whole person to promote health and well-being by using the natural mind, body and soul connection. These modalities can assist you to relax, rebalance, rejuvenate and reclaim your inner peace.

Relax - Rebalance - Rejuvenate

Reclaim your Inner Peace